Taste The World At The 2019 Around The World Cultural Food Festival

Taste The World At The 2019 Around The World Cultural Food Festival

Around the World Cultural Food Festival

One of the greatest joys of traveling is getting to taste food from all over the world. However, you don’t have to travel everywhere just to get the flavors you’re searching for. In fact, you can get them in your own back yard when you come out to the 2019 Around the World Cultural Food Festival. This is your chance to try out cuisines from all over without even having to leave town. If you’re a foodie, an adventurous eater, or just want to learn more about new cultures, this is definitely the place to be. Learn more about what you’ll find when you attend.

Event Details

Want to come out for the 2019 Around the World Cultural Food Festival? Then get out your calendar and mark it for Saturday, Aug. 17. Expect the festival to run from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on that day in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. This is going to be one of the most popular events of the season, so make plans to attend as soon as possible.

The good news? Admission to this festival is completely free, so you don’t have to pay a dime to get in. However, if you want to take advantage of the VIP section, you will pay just $35 for a ticket. This is a great deal as it offers you an enclosed seating area, a shorter waiting time at all of the vendors that will be there, and two free soft drinks. Plus, you’ll get to go into the VIP tent area. It’s definitely worth it if you intend to enjoy the festival to the fullest.

The Food

You’re going to this event for the food, right? Nobody can blame you for that! There are going to be vendors representing over 40 countries, so you’re going to get a taste of a wide variety of food. Head on over as early as possible, so you have easy access to as many vendors as possible. After all, at an event this popular, it’s sure to get crowded fast.

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The Performances

Food may be an important part of the culture, but it’s not the only part. Luckily, you’ll also get to enjoy entertainment when you decide to go out and celebrate this event. There will be traditional dances from several cultures starting at 11:30 a.m., as well as arts and crafts, music, and so much more. Learn about different people and different cultures while you take it all in.

July 22, 2019
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